How to Add and Edit Custom Fields in a List
With Parcy, you can create customized fields so you can get to know your attendees and create more engagement. In this article, you will learn how to create a custom field that fits perfectly for your event!
To get started, choose the event you want to create a custom field for. Once inside your event, select "Attendees".
Once inside “Attendees”, select “Manage Fields” where you will be redirected to the fields page. Here you can see the “Insert Name, Insert Last Name, and Insert Email” is already listed. Parcy automatically includes these fields. You can rename them, but not delete them!
To add a field, click the green button that says "+ Add Field". A new field appears with a long name. Parcy only allows a max of 35 custom fields, 38 including the required First Name, Last Name, and Email. Click "Edit" on the right-hand side of the field section. A pop-up appears showing you all the different ways to customize this new field. Here you can change the "Field Name", change the "Label", "Select Type", add a "Description", add a "Placeholder", and "Choose a Size on the registration form". Let's go over each type of field!
For this example, we will use the same label of 'choose your department' for all of the different types.
The type, "Text" allows your attendees to type in a small box anything you want as shown below.
The type, "Textarea" allows your attendees to type in a larger box anything you want as shown below.
The type, "Dropdown" allows your attendees to select which options you have listed as shown below.
The type, "Radio" allows your attendees to select an option you have listed as shown below.
The type, "Checkboxes" allows your attendees to select more than one option you have listed as shown below.
The type, "Number" allows your attendees to choose a number as shown below.
Date Picker
The type, "Date Picker" allows your attendees to choose a date as shown below.
The type, "Header" is any type of information you want to place on the registration page for your attendees as shown below. (larger font size)
The type, "Paragraph" is any type of information you want to place on the registration page for your attendees as shown below. (smaller font size)
The type, "Upload" allows your attendees to upload an image into the registration form as shown below.
Once you finish choosing the type of field you want, scroll down to select a few more options such as "Enable conditions for this field?". You can enable conditions for a field you created such as showing the field only if it is respected on the form. The other options are "Not Editable on registration form?", "Mandatory?", "Not Auto populated on Registration form?", and "Hide on Registration Form".
You have an option to either make the field "Half size" or "Full size" as well.
Once you have finalized your field, select the green "Save field" button at the bottom of the page. Now your new field is added to your other field list.
If you are wanting to rearrange the order of your fields on the registration form, simply drag and drop them to the order you desire. Tip: Preview the registration form as an attendee to see it in action!
Happy field customizing! 🤓
To get started, choose the event you want to create a custom field for. Once inside your event, select "Attendees".
Once inside “Attendees”, select “Manage Fields” where you will be redirected to the fields page. Here you can see the “Insert Name, Insert Last Name, and Insert Email” is already listed. Parcy automatically includes these fields. You can rename them, but not delete them!
Adding a Custom Field
To add a field, click the green button that says "+ Add Field". A new field appears with a long name. Parcy only allows a max of 35 custom fields, 38 including the required First Name, Last Name, and Email. Click "Edit" on the right-hand side of the field section. A pop-up appears showing you all the different ways to customize this new field. Here you can change the "Field Name", change the "Label", "Select Type", add a "Description", add a "Placeholder", and "Choose a Size on the registration form". Let's go over each type of field!
Field Types
For this example, we will use the same label of 'choose your department' for all of the different types.
The type, "Text" allows your attendees to type in a small box anything you want as shown below.
The type, "Textarea" allows your attendees to type in a larger box anything you want as shown below.
The type, "Dropdown" allows your attendees to select which options you have listed as shown below.
The type, "Radio" allows your attendees to select an option you have listed as shown below.
The type, "Checkboxes" allows your attendees to select more than one option you have listed as shown below.
The type, "Number" allows your attendees to choose a number as shown below.
Date Picker
The type, "Date Picker" allows your attendees to choose a date as shown below.
The type, "Header" is any type of information you want to place on the registration page for your attendees as shown below. (larger font size)
The type, "Paragraph" is any type of information you want to place on the registration page for your attendees as shown below. (smaller font size)
The type, "Upload" allows your attendees to upload an image into the registration form as shown below.
Once you finish choosing the type of field you want, scroll down to select a few more options such as "Enable conditions for this field?". You can enable conditions for a field you created such as showing the field only if it is respected on the form. The other options are "Not Editable on registration form?", "Mandatory?", "Not Auto populated on Registration form?", and "Hide on Registration Form".
You have an option to either make the field "Half size" or "Full size" as well.
Once you have finalized your field, select the green "Save field" button at the bottom of the page. Now your new field is added to your other field list.
Rearrange/Order your Fields
If you are wanting to rearrange the order of your fields on the registration form, simply drag and drop them to the order you desire. Tip: Preview the registration form as an attendee to see it in action!
Happy field customizing! 🤓
Updated on: 29/01/2025
Thank you!